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Interfaith issues
Does hatred have to be passed on from one generation to the next?
Sydney warmly recalls its turn as host four years ago. A party atmosphere enveloped the whole town at night. The Australian spirit of camaraderie and openness was at its best, a reference point we need to keep alive in our heads.’
Will Jenkins looks at an initiative designed to break down barriers between ordinary Americans and bring communities together.
UK citizens were 13th on the integrity list of 18 nationalities, with only 58 per cent reckoning to be honest.
In each period of history, words or expressions have appeared that have stirred, excited and polarized people. The classic examples are ‘liberty’, ‘equality’, ‘fraternity’—the watchwords of the French Revolution.
We may need our enemies for our own healing, maintains Trevor Williams, the Director of Corrymeela, the reconciliation centre in Northern Ireland. He talks to Faustina Starrett.
Denis Nowlan is an Executive Producer of Religious Programmes for the BBC. This article is taken from his sermon in Westminster Abbey during Christian Unity Week, January 2002.
Jehangir Sarosh is a businessman living in Britain. He is President of the World Conference for Religion and Peace Europe and Vice-Chair of the Inter-Faith Network for the UK.
It’s a long way from a remote village in Pakistan to Brighton, England. Imam Abduljalil Sajid tells Mary Lean about the encounters which inspired his passion for interfaith understanding.
Film-maker Alan Channer describes the journey that has led him to make 'The Cross and the Bodhi Tree', a film about Christian encounters with Buddhism.

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